Team Members
Miguel Mascaro
Project Manager, UX strategy and research
Felix Chuan
Content Strategy
Melissa De Leon
UX Designer
Problem Definition
As known, there is no place on the web, where workers from the LGBTQI+ community can
openly express what really happens inside the companies regarding inclusion and diversity.
Based on this, the purpose of this project is to provide a safe place for workers from this community to share their opinion, and experiences at the workplace.
Pride Voice website is the solution. It is a platform that will provide reliable information about the workplace for the LGBTQI+ community. This tool will allow the user to research companies’ approaches towards inclusion & diversity and use the findings to help their decision making on if that particular company offers the right environment for them. In other words, is there a right and safe place they are looking for to work at?
Target Audience
The audience for this project is workers from the LGBTQI+ community no matter their role inside a company, ranging an entry-level to the CEO role. Unfortunately, the role you have in a company does not guarantee anything. The community represents 13%* of the Canadian population.

Canadian population: LBTQI+ Population - Jasmin Roy Foundation
The motivational result


Voice & Tone
Reflects Pride Voice personality and mood in it’s way to communicate with the target audience.
Professional but not intimidating
Besides begin a website that aims the professional side of a community, it does not mean that must have a formal patter to deliver the content. It can be more colloquial to engage the target audience joyfully.
Informative but not overwhelming
The idea is to deliver the informative content in a way so that users can enjoy their time navigating through the website, and perhaps, spend more time than planned before.
Insightful but not mind boggling
All the content imbibed must bring cohesive and precise information that can provoke mindful thoughts to the client, not making them more anxious or nervous.

User Theme
After some thoughts and reviews, the theme which better describes the website concept is The unknown voice of a hiding working community. Because this is the main core of this toll. Let the minority communities speak-up.
Summing-up, Pride Voice theme defines the enhanced experience of those who are looking for a job by the first time, just researching a company, is in between jobs, or only have had received a job offer.
Theme Concept
Bring to light the feelings of LGBTQI+ community towards the work place.
Theme Premises
Have their voice heard
• Community
• Insights
• Relevance
• Contribution
• Experiences
Primary Activities
• A platform that will allow LGBTQI+ community to express their feelings unanimously. Insights
• Evaluate inclusion & diversity companies policies
• Enhancing the "Saying yes, to the job opportunity." moment
• A safe and trustable environment to express what happens inside companies
Emotions to Evoke
• I do exist
• I do matter
• Pride
• Equality
• Sharing

Start point (just a sketch)

Ending point (hi-fi wireframe)